About seven years ago, after the birth of my daughter Nola, I found myself asking myself one inescapable question over and over. That question was…What am I chasing?
Up until that point, I felt like my life was one long, necessary chase. A chase where I was either running towards something or running from something.
Nola’s birth, along with the unexpected passing of Kobe Bryant (the original girl dad), weighed heavy on me and forced me to stop. Stop running. Stop chasing. And just be still.
Still enough to reflect on this question – especially now that I have become a proud girl dad myself. This period of reflection inspired me to travel all over the country to have conversations with people that I love, admire, and respect.
People who I knew had a story to tell. People whose lives, experiences, and lessons have made me into the man and father that I am today.
Nola Daddy isn’t just who I am as a father. It is my documented journey within to uncover the man that my daughter and life itself are calling me to be. In a way, maybe it is my attempt to pass down these lessons like a recipe book handed down through generations.
By sharing this intimate collection of human experiences with you, it is my hope that, as you read along, it not only reveals the depth, beauty, and wisdom that lives in the hearts and minds of everyday individuals but also reveals a universal story that connects us all.
Through My Daughter’s Eyes
A talk with my daughter, Nola Jones, about happiness.